Finally, I can continue on from where Yury and I left off with this website, when I decided that the format we had prepared was NOT what I wanted after all. I had wanted to detail – and DID — some of Elon Musk’s obvious symptoms when he was younger, that would lead someone like me to suspect he is “over-lit”, so to speak, by an Ascended Master, as in: Nicolai Tesla, for instance. But something about it felt somewhat intrusive to me. The poor man had enough people to be picking on him.
The way you can tell is by someone’s need to talk very fast, because they act as a kind of coin-sorter, w. the Ideograms, as we might call them (visual images, like “Santa Claus”) into the top of the head, and then the next image comes falling down the coin-sorter while you are still busy translating the first image by mouthing all the associations. It also can feel like so much Anxiety, because there is obviously spiritual Fire-energy coming along w. it, as it were. (Jordan Peterson, for instance, is another-one; Russel Brand, etc. You get the point.)
For instance: “Let’s see”, you think. “There are 452 association to Santa Claus: “Rudolph; Sleigh; red, white and green; Gift-Packages….”
Bobby Kennedy would seem to be doing a slightly different thing than the un/misinformed on-looker, namely having a dependable, almost inhuman access to information and research-data, but able to stay collected and calm while he talks and recalls, which comes with getting used to that dynamic.
Richard Bucke was the one who coined that term Cosmic Consciousness and wrote very intelligently about it. But I always thought it sounded so very esoteric and I was understandably a little hesitant to use it for “normal” folks.
So here Yury and I were, having v-logged and audio-blogged several years of tracking these symptoms for you – and this website – so as to explain Elon’s amazing success, while yet he acts and smiles like a little child. So sweet! (For you Bible-scholars out there, it’s Jesus’: “Unless ye become as little children, Ye shall in no wise enter the kingdom of Heaven”. WHAT does that mean, please: Do we need to be childish for our maker to want to take us back into His Abba-lap? Or what does it mean, maybe to be open-hearted and still trusting your inner voices like a child??)
But then I came across someone’s use of “Liberated Consciousness” and thought better of my hesitancy. But by then, we had a pandemic of anxiety, Russia was suddenly manufactured into our enemy (we should be used to that by now) and I couldn’t talk to my Yury, with whom I have worked since 2007, lest some label was smeared upon me.
And so, after all that tracking-work, we just left everything laying still, waiting for better days to come. ARE better days coming?? We are all hoping they are. And so, I thought, the least I can do is make you aware of the fact that when you are observing someone like Elon Musk, you are looking at “Liberated Consciousness”. That consciousness we all have and deserve to “liberate”.
How? That is yet another story. Maybe we need to make this Website into a chronicle on how to liberate the human mind!? We once published someone’s blog because the title caught my interest: “Are we all battery-chickens?” Well, ARE we? HOW would we know. Does a battery-chicken know it’s a …battery chicken that was actually created to be scratching outside in a sunny meadow??
The other day, I read the term “The Mystery of Self” somewhere. How mysterious. You mean there is a mystery about us? I once, many decades ago, had a Radio-show that was called: “There is More to you”. I have NO idea what made me use that title, but people just LOVED it and would remark about it even years after I stopped. DO we think there is MORE to us?
But for now, I am too busy w. other things, and leave you w. the notion that there is something about our own possibilities as a human to be learned by watching someone like Elon function.
Well, for now, I am running off to some commitments and leave you with those thoughts.
Regina Jensen, AKA Dr. J.